Who attends AIRVent?

Learn more about AIRVent`s visitor profile

More than 7,500 specialists from 76 regions of Russia and 14 countries visited the AIRVent 2024 exhibition, 48% more visitors than last year.

AIRVent is visited by owners, managers, and specialists of design and installation businesses, industrial enterprises, wholesale and retail companies, and construction and development companies.

According to AIRVent 2024 visitor surveys, 42% of visitors hold senior positions in their companies. Let's take a closer look at the visitor profile by position level:

32% — Head of the company / Founder / Individual entrepreneur
10% — Deputy Head of the Company
26% — Head of department/group
32% — Manager / Specialist

Visitors and participants of AIRVent

The profile of visitors by activity type is as follows:

33% —- Wholesale and retail trade
23% — Installation of engineering systems
20% — Construction and design of engineering systems
16% — Industrial enterprises

The visitor survey results emphasise that AIRVent visitors are an attractive target audience: 94% of visitors came to the exhibition to search for products and services and get familiar with industry trends, and 71% planned to purchase products from the exhibitors.

Exhibit at the AIRVent exhibition to connect with a new audience and expand your customer database!

AIRVent 2025 will be held from 4 to 7 February in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC